Banana Peel Cake Recipe

Banana Peel Cake Recipe

Banana is a fruit from which you can also use the peel, and proof of this is this banana peel cake! Curious? In Specialfood we present a very simple recipe for this dessert, so you can make it at home. See below for the step-by-step banana peel cake recipe!

Ingredients for making banana peel cake:

 4 units of ripe banana

 3 cups of wheat flour (420 grams)

 2 cups of sugar (320 grams)

 2 cups of milk (480 milliliters)

 2 tablespoons of softened butter

 2 egg units

 1 tablespoon of baking powder

 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon

How to Make Banana Peel Cake:

Start the banana peel cake recipe by whipping the egg whites into snow and reserving them in the fridge. Then wash and peel the bananas.

Put the banana peels, egg yolks, milk and butter in a blender, beat until you get a smooth mixture.

In a bowl mix the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, yeast and cinnamon. Add blender mixture to ingredients in bowl and mix well.

The next step in the banana peel cake recipe is to chop the bananas and add them to the batter, which will give a different texture. Also add the egg whites and stir to incorporate.

Butter a cake tin and pour the banana peel cake batter into it. Bake at 180ºC for 45 minutes. After this time, remove the cake, let it cool to unmold and serve. Enjoy your food!

If you liked the Banana Peel Cake recipe, we suggest you enter our Simple Cake Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes.


If you don't like the feel of banana chunks in the cake, blend the banana in a blender along with the other ingredients. You may be interested to read honey ham with onions recipe/ kiwi slices recipe/ marinated braised beef recipe/ marinated leeks recipe/ panna cotta with ginger recipe/ parsnips sprouts recipe.


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